let\ one\ in\ on

let\ one\ in\ on
v. phr.
To reveal a secret to; permit someone to share in.

If I let you in on something big we're planning, will you promise not to mention it to anyone?

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • let\ one\ have\ it\ with\ both\ barrels — • let one have it • let one have it with both barrels • let s have it v. phr. 1a. slang To hit hard. He drew back his fist and let the man have it. Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it! Syn.: give it to. 1b. slang To use a weapon on; to… …   Словарь американских идиом

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  • let one have it — {v. phr.} 1a. {slang} To hit hard. * /He drew back his fist and let the man have it./ * /Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it!/ Syn.: GIVE IT TO. 1b. {slang} To use a weapon on; to shoot or knife. * /The guard pulled his gun and let the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • let one have it — {v. phr.} 1a. {slang} To hit hard. * /He drew back his fist and let the man have it./ * /Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it!/ Syn.: GIVE IT TO. 1b. {slang} To use a weapon on; to shoot or knife. * /The guard pulled his gun and let the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • let one's hair down — (informal) ENJOY ONESELF, have a good time, have fun, make merry, let oneself go; informal have a ball, whoop it up, paint the town red, live it up, have a whale of a time, let it all hang out. → hair * * * let one s hair down To forget reserve… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • let one in on — {v. phr.} To reveal a secret to; permit someone to share in. * /If I let you in on something big we re planning, will you promise not to mention it to anyone?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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