
• L.M.
• lunar module
• Lem
noun Space English
that portion of the rocket assemblage on a flight to the Moon in which the astronauts descend to the Moon's surface.

Building the L.M. was one of the most expensive parts of the American space program.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • LEM — or LEM may refer to one of the following:urnames* Stanisław Lem (1921 2006), Polish science fiction author.Arts* Curtis Lemansky, one of the major characters on the television series The Shield. * Stanisław Lem (1921 2006), Polish science fiction …   Wikipedia

  • Lem — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • lem — ⇒LEM, subst. masc. ASTRONAUT. Véhicule spatial destiné à l alunissage ou à l exploration lunaire. Synon. module lunaire. C est depuis l orbite lunaire du véhicule Apollo qu a lieu l excursion lunaire d un lem (Air et Cosmos, 11 oct. 1969 ds GILB …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • lem|ma — lem|ma1 «LEHM uh», noun, plural lem|mas, lem|ma|ta «LEHM uh tuh». 1. Mathematics. a subsidiary or auxiliary proposition to be used in the proof of a main proposition. 2. an argument, theme, subject, or gloss. ╂[< Greek lēmma, atos < l …   Useful english dictionary

  • LEM — LEM, LEM L.E.M. . [acronym from Lunar Excursion Module.] (Astronautics) A {lunar excursion module}, a spacecraft designed to transport people from a command module in orbit around the moon to the surface of the moon and back again. Syn: lunar… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • LEM — LEM, LEM L.E.M. . [acronym from Lunar Excursion Module.] (Astronautics) A {lunar excursion module}, a spacecraft designed to transport people from a command module in orbit around the moon to the surface of the moon and back again. Syn: lunar… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lem-1 —     lem 1     English meaning: to crush; fragile     Deutsche Übersetzung: “zerbrechen; zerbrochen, weich”     Material: Gk. νωλεμές, έως “ fatigueless “, maybe from “not zusammenbrechend”, due to eines with preposition o refined *ὄ λεμος n. *ὀ… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • LEM — /lem/, n., pl. LEMs, LEM s. lunar excursion module. * * * …   Universalium

  • lem — s. n. modul lunar destinat a aluniza cosmonauţii. (< fr. lem) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • LEM — ☆ LEM [lem ] n. pl. LEMs a lunar excursion module, the manned spacecraft that landed on the moon …   English World dictionary

  • lem|el|o — «LEHM uh loh», noun, plural los. a hybrid fruit produced by crossing the grapefruit and the lemon. ╂[< lem(on) + (pom)elo] …   Useful english dictionary

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