leg\ work

leg\ work
noun informal
the physical end of a project, such as the typing of research reports; the physical investigating of a criminal affair; the carrying of books to and from libraries; etc.

Joe, my research assistant, does a lot of leg work for me.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • leg-work — 1891, from LEG (Cf. leg) (n.) + WORK (Cf. work) (n.). Originally news reporter slang for an assignment that produced more walking than text …   Etymology dictionary

  • leg work — leg|work «LEHG WURK», noun, or leg work, work which involves much moving about or traveling, usually in pursuit of information; the work of a legman: »Government agencies revealed they were spending around $10 million annually to assist the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • leg|work — «LEHG WURK», noun, or leg work, work which involves much moving about or traveling, usually in pursuit of information; the work of a legman: »Government agencies revealed they were spending around $10 million annually to assist the Washington… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Leg Work — was a short lived detective drama that premiered on CBS on October 3, 1987. The show produced 10 episodes, of which only six were aired prior to the show s cancellation. The final episode aired on November 7, 1987. TV Land later aired the… …   Wikipedia

  • leg work — n. the physical work accompanying a task. □ I don’t mind making the phone calls if you do the leg work. □ I have a gopher to do the leg work for me …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • leg work — physical work He was forced to do all of the leg work preparing for the meeting because his assistant was sick …   Idioms and examples

  • leg work — {n.}, {informal} The physical end of a project, such as the typing of research reports; the physical investigating of a criminal affair; the carrying of books to and from libraries; etc. * /Joe, my research assistant, does a lot of leg work for… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • leg work — {n.}, {informal} The physical end of a project, such as the typing of research reports; the physical investigating of a criminal affair; the carrying of books to and from libraries; etc. * /Joe, my research assistant, does a lot of leg work for… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • leg work — walking, going to visit customers or voters    The kids delivered the notices they did the leg work …   English idioms

  • leg·work — /ˈlɛgˌwɚk/ noun [noncount] : the active physical work that is involved in doing something I wrote the article myself, but my assistant gathered the information and did most of the other legwork …   Useful english dictionary

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