leave word with — leave word (with (someone)) to give someone a message. If I can t get back in time I ll leave word with Susan … New idioms dictionary
leave word with someone — leave word (with (someone)) to give someone a message. If I can t get back in time I ll leave word with Susan … New idioms dictionary
leave word with — {v. phr.} To leave a message. * /Hank left word with his secretary where he could be reached by phone while he was away from his office./ … Dictionary of American idioms
leave word with — {v. phr.} To leave a message. * /Hank left word with his secretary where he could be reached by phone while he was away from his office./ … Dictionary of American idioms
leave word — (with (someone)) to give someone a message. If I can t get back in time I ll leave word with Susan … New idioms dictionary
leave word — Synonyms and related words: acquaint, advertise, advertise of, advise, apprise, brief, bring word, broadcast, communicate, convey, disclose, disseminate, enlighten, familiarize, get across, get over, give, give notice, give the facts, give word,… … Moby Thesaurus
leave — 1 /li:v/ verb past tense and past participle left LEAVE A PLACE, VEHICLE 1 LEAVE (I, T) to go away from a place or a person: What time did you leave the office? | They were so noisy that the manager asked them to leave. (+ for): They re leaving… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
leave (someone) to (someone's) tender mercies — humorous to let someone be dealt with by another person who is not likely to show them any kindness or sympathy. Should I have a word with her myself or leave her to Mick s tender mercies? … New idioms dictionary
with — /with, widh/, prep. 1. accompanied by; accompanying: I will go with you. He fought with his brother against the enemy. 2. in some particular relation to (esp. implying interaction, company, association, conjunction, or connection): I dealt with… … Universalium
word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable … Collocations dictionary