lay-away\ plan

lay-away\ plan
A plan for buying something that you can't pay cash for; a plan in which you pay some money down and pay a little more when you can, and the store holds the article until you have paid the full price.

She could not afford to pay for the coat all at once, so she used the lay-away plan.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • lay-away plan — {n.} A plan for buying something that you can t pay cash for; a plan in which you pay some money down and pay a little more when you can, and the store holds the article until you have paid the full price. * /She could not afford to pay for the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay-away plan — {n.} A plan for buying something that you can t pay cash for; a plan in which you pay some money down and pay a little more when you can, and the store holds the article until you have paid the full price. * /She could not afford to pay for the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay·away — /ˈlejəˌweı/ noun [singular] US : a way of buying something in which you do not receive the thing you are buying until you have paid the full price by making small payments over a period of time We bought the table and chairs on layaway, so we won …   Useful english dictionary

  • plan — See: LAY AWAY PLAN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • plan — See: LAY AWAY PLAN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay — lay1 [lā] vt. laid, laying [ME leyen, new formation < 3d pers. sing. of earlier leggen < OE lecgan, lit., to make lie (akin to Goth lagjan, Ger legen) < pt. base of OE licgan, to LIE1] 1. to cause to come down or fall with force; knock… …   English World dictionary

  • lay — lay1 /lay/, v., laid, laying, n. v.t. 1. to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him low.… …   Universalium

  • lay — I [[t]leɪ[/t]] v. laid, lay•ing, n. 1) to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk[/ex] 2) to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him… …   From formal English to slang

  • lay — I v 1. put, place, set, rest, Inf. stick, leave, park, plant; set down, seat, settle; incline, lean. 2. drop, floor, lay low, prostrate; fell, knock or cut or strike down, sink. 3. lodge, submit, present, prefer, bring forward. 4. repose, impute …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Lay Down Your Burdens — Battlestar Galactica episode Episode no. Season 2 Episode 19 20 Directed by Michael Rymer Written …   Wikipedia

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