lay oneself open to — To make oneself vulnerable to, or exposed to (criticism, etc) • • • Main Entry: ↑lay … Useful english dictionary
lay oneself open to — index incur Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
lay oneself open to — {v. phr.} To make oneself vulnerable to; expose oneself. * /If you don t perform your job properly, you will lay yourself open to criticism./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lay oneself open to — {v. phr.} To make oneself vulnerable to; expose oneself. * /If you don t perform your job properly, you will lay yourself open to criticism./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lay — lay1 [lā] vt. laid, laying [ME leyen, new formation < 3d pers. sing. of earlier leggen < OE lecgan, lit., to make lie (akin to Goth lagjan, Ger legen) < pt. base of OE licgan, to LIE1] 1. to cause to come down or fall with force; knock… … English World dictionary
lay, lie — Lay means to place and is a transitive verb requiring an object. Lie, in the context here, means to recline, is intransitive, and takes no object. I shall lay the rug on the floor. Please lie down here. The principal parts of lay are lay, laid,… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
lay — I. /leɪ / (say lay) verb (laid, laying) –verb (t) 1. to put or place in a position of rest or recumbency: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to bring, throw, or beat down, as from an erect position: to lay a person low. 3. to cause to subside: to lay… …
open — I adj. 1) open for (open for business) 2) (cannot stand alone) open to (open to the public; I m open to suggestions) 3) (misc.) to lay oneself open to criticism; to bring smt. out into the open II v. 1) to open wide 2) (D; intr., tr.) to open by … Combinatory dictionary
lay — lay1 /lay/, v., laid, laying, n. v.t. 1. to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him low.… … Universalium
lay — I [[t]leɪ[/t]] v. laid, lay•ing, n. 1) to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk[/ex] 2) to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him… … From formal English to slang