kick up a fuss — or[kick up a row] or[raise a row] also[kick up a dust] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make trouble; make a disturbance. * /When the teacher gave the class five more hours of homework, the class kicked up a fuss./ * /When the teacher left the room, two… … Dictionary of American idioms
kick up a fuss — or[kick up a row] or[raise a row] also[kick up a dust] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make trouble; make a disturbance. * /When the teacher gave the class five more hours of homework, the class kicked up a fuss./ * /When the teacher left the room, two… … Dictionary of American idioms
kick up a fuss — (or a stink) informal object loudly or publicly to something * * * kick up a ˈfuss, ˈstink, etc. idiom (informal) to complain loudly about sth • They ll usually give you your money back if you threaten to kick up a stink … Useful english dictionary
kick up a fuss — A person who kicks up a fuss creates a disturbance, especially by complaining or protesting about something. The service was so slow in the restaurant that several customers began to kick up a fuss … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
kick up a fuss — complain, make a scene Jon will kick up a fuss if he doesn t get paid on time … English idioms
kick up a fuss — make trouble, make a disturbance I didn t think that it would be a big problem but he really kicked up a fuss when I told him about the accident … Idioms and examples
kick up a fuss — to complain loudly in order to show that you are very annoyed about something. Our food was cold so my father kicked up a fuss and refused to pay the service charge … New idioms dictionary
kick up a fuss — verb To show annoyance, or to complain loudly about something, often when it is of little importance in reality. <!The below example doesnt show meaning as such. ,2006, The Disunited States of America, by Harry Turtledove, Page 139 … Wiktionary
kick\ up\ a\ dust — • kick up a fuss • kick up a row • raise a row • kick up a dust v. phr. informal To make trouble; make a disturbance. When the teacher gave the class five more hours of homework, the class kicked up a fuss. When the teacher left the room, two… … Словарь американских идиом
kick\ up\ a\ row — • kick up a fuss • kick up a row • raise a row • kick up a dust v. phr. informal To make trouble; make a disturbance. When the teacher gave the class five more hours of homework, the class kicked up a fuss. When the teacher left the room, two… … Словарь американских идиом