kick\ in\ the\ teeth

kick\ in\ the\ teeth
• kick in the pants
• kick in the teeth
n. phr. informal
Unexpected scorn or insult when praise was expected; rejection.

Mary worked hard to clean up John's room, but all she got for her trouble was a kick in the teeth.

Compare: slap in the face

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • kick in the teeth — noun A humiliating insult or instance of bad treatment, especially when one is expecting friendship or in need of support; a sudden and unexpected setback; a strong rebuff. This kick in the teeth, brutal under any circumstances, is more so, given …   Wiktionary

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  • a kick in the teeth — informal a grave setback or disappointment this broken promise is a kick in the teeth for football * * * a kick in the teeth informal : something that is very shocking and disappointing Losing that game was a real kick in the teeth. • • • Main… …   Useful english dictionary

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