kick\ around

kick\ around
v informal
1. To act roughly or badly to; treat badly; bully.

John likes to kick around the little boys.

Mr. Jones is always kicking his dog around.

Syn.: push around
2. To lie around or in a place; be treated carelessly; be neglected.

This old coat has been kicking around the closet for years.

The letter kicked around on my desk for days.

3. slang
To talk easily or carelessly back and forth about; examine in a careless or easy-going way.

Bob and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.

Compare: try out, talk over
4. To move about often; go from one job or place to another; become experienced.

Harry has kicked around all over the world as a merchant seaman.

Compare: have been around

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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