in\ arrears

in\ arrears
adv. phr.
Late or behind in payment of money or in finishing something. - Usually used of a legal debt or formal obligation.

Poor Mr. Brown! He is in arrears on his rent.

He is in arrears on the story he promised to write for the magazine.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • Arrears — is a legal term for a type of debt which is overdue after missing an expected payment. It is also used (in the form in arrears) for payments that occur at the end of a period.Arrears accrue from the date on the first missed payment was due. The… …   Wikipedia

  • arrears — I noun arrearage, back payments, balance due, debit, debt, debt unpaid though due, default, deferred payment, deficit, delinquency, indebtedness, indebtment, liability, obligation, outstanding debt, overdue bill, overdue payment, payments past… …   Law dictionary

  • arrears — [ə rirz′] pl.n. 〚ME arrers < arrere, backward < OFr ariere < VL aretro < L ad, to + retro, behind〛 1. unpaid and overdue debts 2. unfinished business, work, etc. in arrears or in arrear behind in paying a debt, doing one s work, etc. * * *… …   Universalium

  • arrears — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ money owed that should already have been paid. ● in arrears Cf. ↑in arrears ORIGIN Old French arere, from Latin retro backwards …   English terms dictionary

  • arrears — mid 14c., in times past, from O.Fr. ariere behind, backward, from V.L. *ad retro, from L. ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + retro behind (see RETRO (Cf. retro )). Meaning balance due dates from early 15c.; phrase in arrears first …   Etymology dictionary

  • arrears — [ə rirz′] pl.n. [ME arrers < arrere, backward < OFr ariere < VL aretro < L ad, to + retro, behind] 1. unpaid and overdue debts 2. unfinished business, work, etc. in arrears or in arrear behind in paying a debt, doing one s work, etc …   English World dictionary

  • arrears — The amount of money by which a contract or obligation is in default. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • arrears — [n] debt back payment, balance due, claim, debit, deficiency, deficit, liability, obligation, unpaid bill; concepts 332,335 …   New thesaurus

  • arrears — or arrearages Money which is overdue and unpaid; e.g. overdue mortgage or rent payments. Term used to describe cumulative preferred stock dividends that have not been declared on time …   Black's law dictionary

  • arrears — or arrearages Money which is overdue and unpaid; e.g. overdue mortgage or rent payments. Term used to describe cumulative preferred stock dividends that have not been declared on time …   Black's law dictionary

  • arrears — Unpaid dividends or bond interest that a corporation owes its stockholders or bond holders after the payable or due date on which the dividends or interest should have been paid. American Banker Glossary * * * arrears ar‧rears [əˈrɪəz ǁ əˈrɪrz]… …   Financial and business terms

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