heart\ in\ one's\ boots

heart\ in\ one's\ boots
• heart in one's mouth
• heart in one's boots
A feeling of great fear or nervousness. - Often considered trite.

Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth.

My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house.

When the bear came out of the woods towards us, our hearts were in our mouths.

Compare: hair stand on end

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • heart\ in\ one's\ mouth — • heart in one s mouth • heart in one s boots A feeling of great fear or nervousness. Often considered trite. Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth. My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house. When the …   Словарь американских идиом

  • heart in one's mouth — or[heart in one s boots] A feeling of great fear or nervousness. Often considered trite. * /Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth./ * /My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house./ * /When the bear came …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • heart in one's mouth — or[heart in one s boots] A feeling of great fear or nervousness. Often considered trite. * /Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth./ * /My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house./ * /When the bear came …   Dictionary of American idioms

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