have\ nothing\ to\ do\ with

have\ nothing\ to\ do\ with
v. phr.
To not be involved with; not care about.

Our firm has nothing to do with oil from the Near East; we are interested in solar energy.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • have nothing to do with — 1. To avoid 2. To be unconnected with 3. To be no concern of • • • Main Entry: ↑nothing * * * I have no contact or dealings with Billy and his father have had nothing to do with each other for nearly twenty years ■ be no business or concern of …   Useful english dictionary

  • have nothing to do with — (someone/something) to not involve someone or something. This argument has nothing to do with me. Most of the provisions of the new law have nothing to do with terrorism. She s from a small town, but that has nothing to do with it, I think …   New idioms dictionary

  • have nothing to do with — index avoid (evade), disown (refuse to acknowledge), eschew, exclude, refrain, shun, spurn …   Law dictionary

  • have nothing to do with someone — have nothing to do with (someone/something) to not involve someone or something. This argument has nothing to do with me. Most of the provisions of the new law have nothing to do with terrorism. She s from a small town, but that has nothing to do …   New idioms dictionary

  • have nothing to do with something — have nothing to do with (someone/something) to not involve someone or something. This argument has nothing to do with me. Most of the provisions of the new law have nothing to do with terrorism. She s from a small town, but that has nothing to do …   New idioms dictionary

  • have nothing to do with somebody — be/have nothing to do with sb/sth idiom to have no connection with sb/sth • Get out! It s nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it). • That has nothing to do with what we re discussing. Main entry: ↑nothingidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • have nothing to do with something — be/have nothing to do with sb/sth idiom to have no connection with sb/sth • Get out! It s nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it). • That has nothing to do with what we re discussing. Main entry: ↑nothingidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • have nothing to do with — {v. phr.} To not be involved with; not care about. * /Our firm has nothing to do with oil from the Near East; we are interested in solar energy./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have nothing to do with — {v. phr.} To not be involved with; not care about. * /Our firm has nothing to do with oil from the Near East; we are interested in solar energy./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have nothing to do with — See be nothing to do with …   Thesaurus of popular words

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