hard sledding — or[rough sledding] or[tough sledding] {n.}, {informal} Difficulty in succeeding or making progress. * /Jane had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared./ * /When Mr. Smith started his new business, he had tough sledding… … Dictionary of American idioms
hard sledding — or[rough sledding] or[tough sledding] {n.}, {informal} Difficulty in succeeding or making progress. * /Jane had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared./ * /When Mr. Smith started his new business, he had tough sledding… … Dictionary of American idioms
hard sledding — noun Difficulties, generally; a rough time. When things got so Wolfe had to cut down expenses , Saul Panzer and I got our weekly envelopes sliced, but [Fred] Durkins was stopped altogether. Wolfe called him in when he was needed and paid him by… … Wiktionary
sledding — ☆ sledding [sled′iŋ ] n. 1. a riding or carrying on a sled 2. the condition of the ground with reference to the use of sleds: often used figuratively [the work was hard sledding] … English World dictionary
hard\ row\ to\ hoe — • hard row to hoe • tough row to hoe n. phr. A hard life to live; a very hard job to do. She has a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead. Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to… … Словарь американских идиом
sledding — See: HARD SLEDDING or ROUGH SLEDDING or TOUGH SLEDDING … Dictionary of American idioms
sledding — See: HARD SLEDDING or ROUGH SLEDDING or TOUGH SLEDDING … Dictionary of American idioms
sledding — See: hard sledding or rough sledding or tough sledding … Словарь американских идиом
hard row to hoe — or[tough row to hoe] {n. phr.} A hard life to live; a very hard job to do. * /She has a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead./ * /Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support… … Dictionary of American idioms
hard row to hoe — or[tough row to hoe] {n. phr.} A hard life to live; a very hard job to do. * /She has a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead./ * /Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support… … Dictionary of American idioms