hang one on — {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To give a heavy blow to; hit hard. * /The champion hung one on his challenger in the second round and knocked him out of the ring./ 2. To get very drunk. * /After Smith lost his job, he went to a bar and hung one on./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hang one on — {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To give a heavy blow to; hit hard. * /The champion hung one on his challenger in the second round and knocked him out of the ring./ 2. To get very drunk. * /After Smith lost his job, he went to a bar and hung one on./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hang one on — tv. to get drunk. □ Fred was hacked and went out to hang one on. □ Fred hangs one on about once a month … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hang one's head — To look ashamed or sheepish • • • Main Entry: ↑hang … Useful english dictionary
hang one on — vb an alternative form of tie one on … Contemporary slang
hang one on — get very drunk He really hung one on last night after he heard about his promotion … Idioms and examples
hang one on — phrasal 1. slang : to inflict a heavy blow upon hung one on him and he was taken off in an ambulance 2. slang : to get very drunk … Useful english dictionary
hang one's head — Feel ashamed, take shame to one s self, hide one s face, hide one s diminished head, draw in one s horns … New dictionary of synonyms
hang one's hat — phrasal 1. to situate oneself in (as a residence or place of employment) 2. to have or use as a source of support < need a career to hang my hat on > … New Collegiate Dictionary
hang one's head — {v. phr.} To bend your head forward in shame. * /Johnny hung his head when the teacher asked him if he broke the window./ Compare: HIDE ONE S HEAD … Dictionary of American idioms