hand\ out

hand\ out
v informal
To give (things of the same kind) to several people.

The teacher handed out the examination papers.

At the Christmas party Santa Claus handed out the presents under the tree.

Handing out free advice to all your friends will not make them like you.

Compare: give out(3)

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • Hand-out — auch: Hand|out 〈[hæ̣ndaʊt] n. 15〉 Arbeitspapier (bei Vorträgen, Konferenzen o. Ä.) [engl., „Erklärung, Werbezettel“] * * * Hand|out, Hand out [ hɛnt|a̮ut ], das; s, s [engl. handout, zu: to hand out = aus , verteilen]: an Teilnehmer einer Tagung …   Universal-Lexikon

  • hand|out — «HAND OWT», noun. Informal. 1. a portion of food, clothing, or money given out: »The beggar asked for a handout. SYNONYM(S): dole. 2. a news story or piece of publicity issued to the press by a business organization, government agency, etc.: »The …   Useful english dictionary

  • hand-out — (n.) also handout, hand out, alms or food given to a beggar, 1882, hobo slang, from HAND (Cf. hand) (v.) + OUT (Cf. out). Meaning distributed printed informational matter is from 1927 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Hand-out — auch: Hand|out 〈[hæ̣ndaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 Arbeitspapier (bei Vorträgen, Konferenzen o. Ä.) [Etym.: engl., »Erklärung, Werbezettel«]   Hand out / Handout: (Schreibung mit Bindestrich) Zusammensetzungen, die aus substantivisch gebrauchten… …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • hand out — [v] give to others bestow, deal out, deliver, devote, disburse, dish out, dispense, disseminate, distribute, donate, give away, give out, hand over, mete, present, provide; concepts 108,140 Ant. receive, take …   New thesaurus

  • hand out — (something) to give something to each person present. Would you please hand out the balloons to the children? …   New idioms dictionary

  • hand out — ► hand out distribute among a group. Main Entry: ↑hand …   English terms dictionary

  • hand out — index allocate, bestow, convey (transfer), disburse (distribute), dispense, dole, endow …   Law dictionary

  • Hand-out — 1.Thesenpapier,Arbeitspapier,Informationsblatt,Schriftstück,Dokument,Skript,Manuskript,Paper,schriftlicheAusarbeitung 2.Flugblatt,Handzettel,Flyer,Flugzettel …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • Hand-out — [ hɛndaut] das; s, s; eine oder mehrere Seiten mit kurzen Informationen, besonders für die Teilnehmer eines Kurses, Seminars o.Ä …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • hand out — verb give to several people (Freq. 5) The teacher handed out the exams • Syn: ↑distribute, ↑give out, ↑pass out • Derivationally related forms: ↑distributive (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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