
See: hate one's guts, have the guts to do smth

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • guts — [ gʌts ] noun plural INFORMAL * 1. ) the quality of being brave and determined: That s what you need to be a referee, guts. have the guts to do something: She had the guts to decide what she wanted and go for it. it takes guts to do something: It …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • guts´i|ly — guts|y «GUHT see», adjective, guts|i|er, guts|i|est. Slang. 1. full of guts: »Figurative. a gutsy fighter. 2. Figurative. full of vitality; …   Useful english dictionary

  • guts|y — «GUHT see», adjective, guts|i|er, guts|i|est. Slang. 1. full of guts: »Figurative. a gutsy fighter. 2. Figurative. full of vitality; …   Useful english dictionary

  • guts — informal courage and determination. → gut guts informal used in names attributing negative characteristics: → gut guts entrails that have been removed or exposed. → gut guts the internal parts or essence of something. → gut …   English new terms dictionary

  • guts — meaning ‘courage or determination’, is more forceful and less neutral than either of these words. It is now only slightly informal, although it is more so in idiomatic expressions such as hate a person s guts and work one s guts out (in which… …   Modern English usage

  • Guts — (auf deutsch so viel wie Mumm) ist ein Mannschaftssport, der mit einer 125 g schweren Frisbee gespielt wird. Zwei Mannschaften zu je fünf Spielern stehen sich in paralleler Aufstellung gegenüber. Der Abstand zwischen den Mannschaften beträgt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • guts — spirit, courage, 1893, figurative plural of GUT (Cf. gut). The idea of the bowels as the seat of the spirit goes back to at least mid 14c …   Etymology dictionary

  • guts — [n] nerve, boldness audacity, backbone*, courage, daring, dauntlessness, effrontery, forcefulness, fortitude, grit*, hardihood, heart*, intestinal fortitude*, mettle, moxie*, pluck, resolution, sand*, spine*, spirit, spunk*, willpower; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • guts — /gʌts / (say guts) Colloquial –plural noun (often construed as singular) 1. the bowels or entrails. 2. the stomach or abdomen. 3. courage; stamina; endurance: to have guts. 4. essential information: the guts of the matter. 5. essential parts or… …  

  • guts */ — UK [ɡʌts] / US noun [plural] informal 1) the quality of being brave and determined That s what you need to be a referee – guts. have the guts to do something: She had the guts to go for what she wanted. it takes guts to do something: It takes a… …   English dictionary

  • guts — [gats] 1. n. courage; bravado. □ Man, she’s got guts! □ It takes guts to do something like that. 2. n. the belly; the intestines. □ Ted poked Frank right in the guts. □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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