grow on — or[grow upon] {v.} 1. To become stronger in; increase as a habit of. * /The habit of eating before going to bed grew upon John./ 2. To become more interesting to or liked by. * /The more Jack saw Mary, the more she grew on him./ * /Football grew… … Dictionary of American idioms
grow on — or[grow upon] {v.} 1. To become stronger in; increase as a habit of. * /The habit of eating before going to bed grew upon John./ 2. To become more interesting to or liked by. * /The more Jack saw Mary, the more she grew on him./ * /Football grew… … Dictionary of American idioms
grow\ on — • grow (up)on v 1. To become stronger in; increase as a habit of. The habit of eating before going to bed grew upon John. 2. To become more interesting to or liked by. The more Jack saw Mary, the more she grew on him. Football grew on Billy as he … Словарь американских идиом
grow — growable, adj. /groh/, v., grew, grown, growing. v.i. 1. to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of nutriment; increase in size or substance. 2. to form and increase in size by a process of inorganic… … Universalium
grow — [[t]groʊ[/t]] v. grew, grown, grow•ing 1) dvl to increase in size by a natural process of development 2) to come into being and develop: a plant that grows wild here[/ex] 3) cry to form and increase in size by a process of inorganic accretion, as … From formal English to slang
grow — v 1. increase, fill out, expand, develop, enlarge, swell, wax, become greater or larger; add to, augment, reinforce, supplement; double, triple, quadruple, multiply; extend, distend, stretch, spread; widen, heighten, lengthen, deepen, thicken;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Once Upon a Time (S.H.E album) — Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time cover Studio album 不想長大 by S.H.E Released 25 Novembe … Wikipedia
When I Grow Up (webcomic) — When I Grow Up is a webcomic written by Jeffrey Rowland, who is also known for his comics Wigu Adventures [Mike Meginnis] [Matt Willemain] and Overcompensating; both of these comics are still in production. When I Grow Up (also abbreviated as W.I … Wikipedia
Henry Grow — (October 1, 1817 November 4, 1891) was a Latter day Saint ( Mormon ) builder and civil engineer in pioneer era Utah. His most notable achievement was aiding the construction of the Salt Lake Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.… … Wikipedia
Where Ironcrosses Grow — Where Ironcrosses Grow … Википедия