grin\ and\ bear\ it

grin\ and\ bear\ it
v. phr. informal
To be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do something without complaining.

The doctor told Mrs. Howard that she had to stop eating sweets if she wanted to lose weight, and she tried to grin and bear it.

If you must have a tooth drilled, all you can do is grin and bear it.

Compare: make the best of, put up with

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • grin and bear it — To endure pain or misfortune stoically • • • Main Entry: ↑grin * * * grin and bear it phrase to accept a difficult situation without complaining or without showing how you feel Thesaurus: to be patient, and to not complain too muchsynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Grin and Bear It — est un dessin animé de la série des Donald produit par Walt Disney pour RKO Radio Pictures sorti le 13 aout 1954[1]. Synopsis Donald et une horde de touristes arrivent pour visiter le parc national. Après leur avoir rappelé les règles de conduite …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grin and Bear it — est un dessin animé de la série des Donald produit par Walt Disney pour RKO Radio Pictures sorti le 13 aout 1954[1]. Synopsis Donald et une horde de touristes arrivent pour visiter le parc national. Après leur avoir rappelé les règles de conduite …   Wikipédia en Français

  • grin and bear it — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do something without complaining. * /The doctor told Mrs. Howard that she had to stop eating sweets if she wanted to lose weight, and she tried to grin and bear it./ * /If… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • grin and bear it — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do something without complaining. * /The doctor told Mrs. Howard that she had to stop eating sweets if she wanted to lose weight, and she tried to grin and bear it./ * /If… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Grin and Bear It — Álbum de Impellitteri Publicación 23 de septiembre de 1992 Género(s) Heavy metal, Shred Duración 39:25 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Grin and Bear It — is a daily panel created by George Lichtenstein under the penname George Lichty. It has been syndicated from 1932 through 1940 and from 1942 until the present.Lichty created Grin and Bear it in 1932. Frequent subjects included computers,… …   Wikipedia

  • grin and bear it — If you have to grin and bear it, you have to accept something that you don t like …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • grin and bear it — ► grin and bear it suffer pain or misfortune in a stoical manner. Main Entry: ↑grin …   English terms dictionary

  • grin and bear it — verb To endure a difficult or disagreeable situation with good humour. They made me work the Saturday of our wedding anniversary. What could I say? I just had to grin and bear it …   Wiktionary

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