green\ around\ the\ gills

green\ around\ the\ gills
• green around the gills
• pale around the gills
• blue around the gills
See: green around the gills
adj. phr. slang
Pale-faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated.

Bill's father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough, and when he came back he was green around the gills.

The car almost hit Mary crossing the street, and she was pale around the gills because it came so close.

- Also used with other prepositions besides "around", as "about", "at", "under", and with other colors, as "blue", "pink", "yellow", "white".

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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