grasp\ at\ straws

grasp\ at\ straws
• grasp at straws
• clutch at straws
v. phr.
To depend on something that is useless or unable to help in a time of trouble or danger; try something with little hope of succeeding.

To depend on your memory without studying for a test is to grasp at straws.

The robber clutched at straws to make excuses. He said he wasn't in the country when the robbery happened.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • grasp at straws — ● straw * * * clutch/grasp/at straws phrase to try to find anything at all that will help you or give you hope in a difficult situation, when it is likely that you will find nothing She knew she was clutching at straws, thinking he might help her …   Useful english dictionary

  • grasp at straws — or[clutch at straws] {v. phr.} To depend on something that is useless or unable to help in a time of trouble or danger; try something with little hope of succeeding. * /To depend on your memory without studying for a test is to grasp at straws./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • grasp at straws — or[clutch at straws] {v. phr.} To depend on something that is useless or unable to help in a time of trouble or danger; try something with little hope of succeeding. * /To depend on your memory without studying for a test is to grasp at straws./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • grasp at straws — 1. to try any method, even those that are not likely to succeed, because you are in such a bad situation. He s hoping that this new treatment will help him but I think he s clutching at straws. (usually in continuous tenses) 2. to try to find… …   New idioms dictionary

  • grasp at straws — verb To guess randomly at or pursue any apparent option, as due to lack of options or information. I never met his mother, so Im grasping at straws for an appropriate gift for her …   Wiktionary

  • grasp at straws — try something with little hope of succeeding, depend on something that is useless in a time of trouble He is grasping at straws. He will never find enough money to pay next month s rent …   Idioms and examples

  • grasp at straws — phrasal to reach for or try anything in desperation …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Grasp at straws — get desperate …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • grasp at straws — Australian Slang get desperate …   English dialects glossary

  • clutch/grasp at straws — to try to solve a problem by doing things that probably will not help I asked her for a loan. I didn t think she d agree, but at that point I was grasping at straws. • • • Main Entry: ↑straw …   Useful english dictionary

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