at\ one's\ ease

at\ one's\ ease
adj or adv. phr.
1. In comfort; without pain or bother.

You can't feel at ease with a toothache.

2. • at one's ease
Comfortable in one's mind; relaxed, not troubled.
- Often used in the phrase "put at ease" or "put at one's ease."

We put Mary at her ease during the thunderstorm by reading her stories.

Compare: at home(2)
Contrast: ill at ease, on edge
3. Standing with your right foot in place and without talking in military ranks.

The sergeant gave his men the command "At ease!"

Compare: parade rest

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • one's\ ease — adj or adv. phr. 1. In comfort; without pain or bother. You can t feel at ease with a toothache. 2. • at one s ease Comfortable in one s mind; relaxed, not troubled. Often used in the phrase put at ease or put at one s ease. We put Mary at her… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • at (one's) ease — relaxed. ↘(at ease) Military in a relaxed attitude with the feet apart and the hands behind the back. → ease …   English new terms dictionary

  • at one's ease — ► at (one s) ease 1) relaxed. 2) (at ease) Military in a relaxed attitude with the feet apart and the hands behind the back. Main Entry: ↑ease …   English terms dictionary

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  • at one's ease — I. phrasal see at ease 2a II. phrasal see at ease 3 …   Useful english dictionary

  • at one's ease — See: AT EASE(2) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • at one's ease — See: AT EASE(2) …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • ease — ► NOUN 1) absence of difficulty or effort. 2) freedom from worries or problems. ► VERB 1) make or become less serious or severe. 2) move carefully or gradually. 3) (ease off/up) do something with more moderation …   English terms dictionary

  • ease — [ēz] n. [ME ese < OFr aise < VL * adjaces < L adjacens, lying nearby, hence easy to reach: see ADJACENT] 1. freedom from pain, worry, or trouble; comfort 2. freedom from stiffness, formality, or awkwardness; natural, easy manner; poise 3 …   English World dictionary

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