go off like clockwork — See: GO LIKE CLOCKWORK … Dictionary of American idioms
go off like clockwork — See: GO LIKE CLOCKWORK … Dictionary of American idioms
like clockwork — adverb with regularity and precision the rocket launch went off like clockwork • Usage Domain: ↑idiom, ↑idiomatic expression, ↑phrasal idiom, ↑set phrase, ↑phrase * * * like clockwork As smoothly as if driven by clockwork • • … Useful english dictionary
like clockwork — See: GO LIKE CLOCKWORK or GO OFF LIKE CLOCKWORK … Dictionary of American idioms
like clockwork — See: GO LIKE CLOCKWORK or GO OFF LIKE CLOCKWORK … Dictionary of American idioms
like\ clockwork — See: go like clockwork or go off like clockwork … Словарь американских идиом
go\ like\ clockwork — • go like clockwork • go off like clockwork v. phr. informal To run smoothly and regularly like the workings of a clock; go smoothly and without difficulty; go on time or as planned. The car s motor went like clockwork after Bob fixed it. The… … Словарь американских идиом
go like clockwork — or[go off like clockwork] {v. phr.}, {informal} To run smoothly and regularly like the workings of a clock; go smoothly and without difficulty; go on time or as planned. * /The car s motor went like clockwork after Bob fixed it./ * /The birthday… … Dictionary of American idioms
go like clockwork — or[go off like clockwork] {v. phr.}, {informal} To run smoothly and regularly like the workings of a clock; go smoothly and without difficulty; go on time or as planned. * /The car s motor went like clockwork after Bob fixed it./ * /The birthday… … Dictionary of American idioms
clockwork — /klok werrk /, n. 1. the mechanism of a clock. 2. any mechanism similar to that of a clock. 3. like clockwork, with perfect regularity or precision: The launching of the spacecraft went off like clockwork. [1620 30; CLOCK1 + WORK] * * * … Universalium