go\ into\ a\ huddle

go\ into\ a\ huddle
v. phr.
1. To gather close together as a team in a football game, usually to find out your team's next play.

The football team which has the ball goes into a huddle before every play to get orders on what play they will use.

2. informal To talk together privately about something; discuss something where others cannot hear.

The man went into a huddle with his lawyers before answering the question.

The doctors went into a huddle and decided to operate.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • go into a huddle — {v. phr.} 1. To gather close together as a team in a football game, usually to find out your team s next play. * /The football team which has the ball goes into a huddle before every play to get orders on what play they will use./ 2. {informal}… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go into a huddle — {v. phr.} 1. To gather close together as a team in a football game, usually to find out your team s next play. * /The football team which has the ball goes into a huddle before every play to get orders on what play they will use./ 2. {informal}… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get into a huddle — get/go into a huddle to form a group away from other people to discuss something secretly. They went into a huddle for a minute, then accepted the offer …   New idioms dictionary

  • go into a huddle — get/go into a huddle to form a group away from other people to discuss something secretly. They went into a huddle for a minute, then accepted the offer …   New idioms dictionary

  • get into a huddle — get/go/into a huddle phrase to stand or sit close together in order to discuss something secretly Thesaurus: to move closer together in a groupsynonym Main entry: huddle …   Useful english dictionary

  • go into a huddle — get/go/into a huddle phrase to stand or sit close together in order to discuss something secretly Thesaurus: to move closer together in a groupsynonym Main entry: huddle …   Useful english dictionary

  • get into a huddle (with somebody) — get/go into a ˈhuddle (with sb) idiom to move close to sb so that you can talk about sth without other people hearing Main entry: ↑huddleidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • go into a huddle (with somebody) — get/go into a ˈhuddle (with sb) idiom to move close to sb so that you can talk about sth without other people hearing Main entry: ↑huddleidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • huddle — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ little, small, tight VERB + HUDDLE ▪ get into, go into ▪ The team went into a huddle at half time to discuss their tactics …   Collocations dictionary

  • huddle — I n. 1) to go into a huddle 2) in a huddle II v. (usu. P; intr.) to huddle around a fire; to huddle together * * * [hʌdl] to huddle together (usu. P; intr.) to huddle around a fire in a huddle to go into a huddle …   Combinatory dictionary

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