get\ the\ jump\ on

get\ the\ jump\ on
• get the jump on
• have the jump on
v. phr. slang
To get ahead of; start before (others); have an advantage over.

Don't let the other boys get the jump on you at the beginning of the race.

Our team got the jump on their rivals in the first minutes of play, and held the lead to win.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • get the jump on — or[have the jump on] {v. phr.}, {slang} To get ahead of; start before (others); have an advantage over. * /Don t let the other boys get the jump on you at the beginning of the race./ * /Our team got the jump on their rivals in the first minutes… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get the jump on — or[have the jump on] {v. phr.}, {slang} To get ahead of; start before (others); have an advantage over. * /Don t let the other boys get the jump on you at the beginning of the race./ * /Our team got the jump on their rivals in the first minutes… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get the jump on — get a/the jump on (someone/something) mainly American, informal to start doing something before other people start, or before something happens, in order to get an advantage for yourself. If I leave work early on Fridays I can get a jump on the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • get the jump on — ► get (or have) the jump on informal, chiefly N. Amer. get (or have) an advantage over (someone) due to prompt action. Main Entry: ↑jump …   English terms dictionary

  • get the jump on someone — have/get/the jump on someone informal phrase to be in a stronger position than someone else The Japanese, once again, may be embarrassing the US manufacturers by getting the jump on them. Thesaurus: to be in chargesynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • get the jump on — start faster than the others, quick on the draw    Ben got the jump on the other runners. He led by one stride …   English idioms

  • get the jump — verb be there first They had gotten the jump on their competitors • Hypernyms: ↑beat, ↑beat out, ↑crush, ↑shell, ↑trounce, ↑vanquish • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • get the jump on someone — get a/the jump on (someone/something) mainly American, informal to start doing something before other people start, or before something happens, in order to get an advantage for yourself. If I leave work early on Fridays I can get a jump on the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • get the jump on something — get a/the jump on (someone/something) mainly American, informal to start doing something before other people start, or before something happens, in order to get an advantage for yourself. If I leave work early on Fridays I can get a jump on the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • get a jump on — get a/the jump on (someone/something) mainly American, informal to start doing something before other people start, or before something happens, in order to get an advantage for yourself. If I leave work early on Fridays I can get a jump on the… …   New idioms dictionary

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