- get\ along\ in\ years
- • get along (in years)v1. To go or move away; move on.
The policeman told the boys on the street corner to get along.
2. To go forward; make progress; advance,John is getting along well in school. He is learning more every day.
Syn.: get ahead3. To advance; become old or late.It is getting along towards sundown.
Grandmother is 68 and getting along.
4. To get or make what you need; manage.It isn't easy to get along in the jungle.
We can get along on $100 a week.
Compare: do without(2), get by, make do5. To live or work together in a friendly way; agree, cooperate; not fight or argue.We don't get along with the Jones family.
Jim and Jane get along fine together.
Don't be hard to get along with.
6. v. phr. to age; grow old.My father is getting along in years; he will be ninety on his next birthday.
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс. 1997.