get\ a\ head\ start\ on

get\ a\ head\ start\ on
v. phr.
To receive preliminary help or instruction in a particular subject so that the recipient is in a favorable position compared to his or her peers.

At our school, children get a head start on their reading ability thanks to a special program.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • get a head start on — {v. phr.} To receive preliminary help or instruction in a particular subject so that the recipient is in a favorable position compared to his or her peers. * /At our school, children get a head start on their reading ability thanks to a special… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get a head start on — {v. phr.} To receive preliminary help or instruction in a particular subject so that the recipient is in a favorable position compared to his or her peers. * /At our school, children get a head start on their reading ability thanks to a special… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • head start — head′ start′ n. 1) spo an advantage given or acquired in any competition, endeavor, etc., as allowing one or more competitors in a race to start before the others 2) a productive beginning: I ll get a head start on the paperwork this weekend[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • head start — noun the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race) (Freq. 1) with an hour s start he will be hard to catch • Syn: ↑start • Hypernyms: ↑advantage, ↑vantage * * * head start …   Useful english dictionary

  • head start — {n.} 1. A beginning before someone; lead or advantage at the beginning. * /The other racers knew they couldn t catch Don if he got too big a head start./ * /Joe has a head start. He began to study earlier than we did./ 2. A good beginning. * /Let …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • head start — {n.} 1. A beginning before someone; lead or advantage at the beginning. * /The other racers knew they couldn t catch Don if he got too big a head start./ * /Joe has a head start. He began to study earlier than we did./ 2. A good beginning. * /Let …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • head\ start — noun 1. A beginning before someone; lead or advantage at the beginning. The other racers knew they couldn t catch Don if he got too big a head start. Joe has a head start. He began to study earlier than we did. 2. A good beginning. Let s get a… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • head start — noun a) An advantage given (or taken), for example, prior to the beginning of a race. Fred gave his younger brother a five minute head start in the Easter egg hunt. b) A factor conducive to superiority and success I want to set off at dawn to get …   Wiktionary

  • head start — to leave or start something before others They left early in order to get a head start on the trip …   Idioms and examples

  • Head Start — war/ist ein Programm für kompensatorische Erziehung in den USA. Es sollte vor allem die Bildungschancen für Kinder aus sozial schwachen Familien verbessern und ihre Resilienz steigern. Head Start wurde 1965 im Rahmen des „Krieges gegen die Armut“ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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