for\ dear\ life

for\ dear\ life
adv. phr.
As though afraid of losing your life.

He was running for dear life toward town.

When the horse began to run, she held on for dear life.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • for dear life — adverb as though your life was at stake he was running for dear life * * * DESPERATELY, with all one s might, with might and main, for all one is worth, as fast/hard as possible, like the devil. → life * * * adverb : so as to save or as if trying …   Useful english dictionary

  • for dear life — {adv. phr.} As though afraid of losing your life. * /He was running for dear life toward town./ * /When the horse began to run, she held on for dear life./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for dear life — {adv. phr.} As though afraid of losing your life. * /He was running for dear life toward town./ * /When the horse began to run, she held on for dear life./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for dear life — to save your life, because a life is in danger    When the bear stood up on its hind legs, we ran for dear life …   English idioms

  • for dear life — as though afraid of losing one s life The mountain climber held on to the rock for dear life as he waited for someone to rescue him …   Idioms and examples

  • for dear life — we held on to the rope for dear life Syn: desperately, with all one s might, for all one is worth, as fast/hard as possible, like the devil …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • for dear life — informal using all your strength, speed, or determination in order to avoid danger or serious trouble He clung on to the edge of the cliff for dear life …   English dictionary

  • hang on to something for dear life — hang/hold on (to (something/someone)) for dear life to hold something or someone as tightly as you can in order to avoid falling. I sat behind Gary on the bike and hung on for dear life as we sped off. A rope was passed down and she held on to it …   New idioms dictionary

  • hang on to someone for dear life — hang/hold on (to (something/someone)) for dear life to hold something or someone as tightly as you can in order to avoid falling. I sat behind Gary on the bike and hung on for dear life as we sped off. A rope was passed down and she held on to it …   New idioms dictionary

  • hang on to for dear life — hang/hold on (to (something/someone)) for dear life to hold something or someone as tightly as you can in order to avoid falling. I sat behind Gary on the bike and hung on for dear life as we sped off. A rope was passed down and she held on to it …   New idioms dictionary

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