flip\ one's\ lid

flip\ one's\ lid
1. To lose one's temper.

When that pushy salesman came back Mom really flipped her lid.

Compare: blow a fuse
2. To lose your mind; become insane.

When he offered me three times the pay I was getting, I thought he had flipped his lid.

3. To become unreasonably enthusiastic.

She flipped her lid over a hat she saw in the store window.

He's flipped his lid over that new actress.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • flip one's lid — also[flip one s wig] {slang} 1. To lose one s temper. * /When that pushy salesman came back Mom really flipped her lid./ Compare: BLOW A FUSE. 2. To lose your mind; become insane. * /When he offered me three times the pay I was getting, I thought …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flip one's lid — also[flip one s wig] {slang} 1. To lose one s temper. * /When that pushy salesman came back Mom really flipped her lid./ Compare: BLOW A FUSE. 2. To lose your mind; become insane. * /When he offered me three times the pay I was getting, I thought …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flip one's lid — ► flip one s lid informal suddenly become deranged or lose one s self control. Main Entry: ↑flip …   English terms dictionary

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  • flip one's lid (or N. Amer. one's wig) — informal suddenly lose control or become very angry. → flip …   English new terms dictionary

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  • flip one’s lid — Go to flip one’s wig …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • flip one's lid — become very excited, lose one s temper He really flipped his lid when I told him about the huge telephone bill …   Idioms and examples

  • flip one's lid — verb To be explosively angry. Syn: blow a gasket, blow ones top, flip ones wig …   Wiktionary

  • Flip one's lid — become angry …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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