draw in one's horns — See: PULL IN ONE S HORNS … Dictionary of American idioms
draw in one's horns — See: PULL IN ONE S HORNS … Dictionary of American idioms
draw in one's horns — phrasal : to act more conservatively or cautiously than at some former time he d better draw in his horns if he wants to keep out of trouble * * * draw in one s horns ▪ To moderate one s ardour or pretensions ▪ To curtail or restrict one s… … Useful english dictionary
draw in one's horns — ► draw (or pull) in one s horns become less assertive or ambitious. Main Entry: ↑horn … English terms dictionary
draw in one's horns — (Colloq.) Repress one s ardor, restrain one s pride, cease boasting, pull in one s horns … New dictionary of synonyms
draw in one's horns — spend less money Their company is not doing well so they will have to draw in their horns for awhile … Idioms and examples
draw (or pull) in one's horns — become less assertive or ambitious. → horn … English new terms dictionary
pull\ in\ one's\ horns — • pull in one s horns • draw in one s horns v. phr. informal 1. To reduce your boasts; calm down from a quarrel; back down on a promise. He said he could beat any man there single handed, but he pulled in his horns when Jack came forward. 2. To… … Словарь американских идиом
pull in one's horns — or[draw in one s horns] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To reduce your boasts; calm down from a quarrel; back down on a promise. * /He said he could beat any man there single handed, but he pulled in his horns when Jack came forward./ 2. To cut back… … Dictionary of American idioms
pull in one's horns — or[draw in one s horns] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To reduce your boasts; calm down from a quarrel; back down on a promise. * /He said he could beat any man there single handed, but he pulled in his horns when Jack came forward./ 2. To cut back… … Dictionary of American idioms