down\ to\ the\ wire

down\ to\ the\ wire
adj slang
1. Running out of time, nearing a deadline.

Bob is down to the wire on his project.

2. Being financially almost broke, being very low on cash or other funds.

We can't afford going to a restaurant tonight - we're really down to the wire!

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • down to the wire — Wire Wire (w[imac]r), n. [OE. wir, AS. wir; akin to Icel. v[=i]rr, Dan. vire, LG. wir, wire; cf. OHG. wiara fine gold; perhaps akin to E. withy. [root]141.] [1913 Webster] 1. A thread or slender rod of metal; a metallic substance formed to an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • down to the wire — ► if something is down to the wire, it is not clear or decided until the last possible moment: go/come down to the wire »It was likely the leadership contest would go down to the wire. »Contract negotiations with two unions that represent more… …   Financial and business terms

  • down to the wire — (informal) As far as the finishing post, up to the very last moment • • • Main Entry: ↑wire * * * informal used to denote a situation whose outcome is not decided until the very last minute it was probable that the test of nerves would go down to …   Useful english dictionary

  • down to the wire — (USA) If something goes down to the wire, like a competition, then it goes to the very last moment before it is clear who has won …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • down to the wire — ► down to the wire informal until the very last minute. Main Entry: ↑wire …   English terms dictionary

  • down to the wire — (USA)    If something goes down to the wire, like a competition, then it goes to the very last moment before it is clear who has won.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    If something such as project or a match goes down to the wire, the… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • down to the wire — 1. adjective At the very end of a process or project, especially one with a fast approaching deadline. He was almost done with the paper, but tomorrows due date meant it would be down to the wire. 2. adverb At the very end of a process or project …   Wiktionary

  • down to the wire — American & Australian until the very last moment that it is possible to do something. If both teams are playing at their best, the game will go down to the wire (= it will be won at the last moment). The Democrats struggled down to the wire to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • down to the wire — mod. until the very last minute. □ It came down to the wire before I turned the proposal in. □ We went right down to the wire on that one …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • down to the wire — {adj.}, {slang} 1. Running out of time, nearing a deadline. * /Bob is down to the wire on his project./ 2. Being financially almost broke, being very low on cash or other funds. * /We can t afford going to a restaurant tonight we re really down… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • down to the wire — {adj.}, {slang} 1. Running out of time, nearing a deadline. * /Bob is down to the wire on his project./ 2. Being financially almost broke, being very low on cash or other funds. * /We can t afford going to a restaurant tonight we re really down… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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