down\ on\ one's\ luck

down\ on\ one's\ luck
adj informal
Having bad luck; having much trouble; not successful in life.

Harry asked me to lend him ten dollars, because he was down on his luck.

The teacher is easy on Jane because Jane has been down on her luck lately.

Compare: hard row to hoe, hard sledding, on one's uppers

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • down on one's luck — {adj.}, {informal} Having bad luck; having much trouble; not successful in life. * /Harry asked me to lend him ten dollars, because he was down on his luck./ * /The teacher is easy on Jane because Jane has been down on her luck lately./ Compare:… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • down on one's luck — {adj.}, {informal} Having bad luck; having much trouble; not successful in life. * /Harry asked me to lend him ten dollars, because he was down on his luck./ * /The teacher is easy on Jane because Jane has been down on her luck lately./ Compare:… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • down on one's luck — phrasal : badly off as a result of a series of unlucky chances a model who is desperately down on her luck, professionally and otherwise Theatre Arts * * * down on one s luck In unfortunate circumstances • • • Main Entry: ↑down down on one s luck …   Useful english dictionary

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  • down on one's luck — adjective Unlucky or undergoing a period of bad luck, especially with respect to financial matters. If Crabtree is down on his luck he will most likely be willing to do anything for money …   Wiktionary

  • down on one's luck — informal having a period of bad luck. → down …   English new terms dictionary

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  • down on one's luck — phrasal experiencing misfortune and especially financial distress …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • be down on one's luck — be unfortunate, be unsuccessful, be unlucky, be in a wretched state …   English contemporary dictionary

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