answer for — (something) to admit responsibility for causing a problem or situation. He may not go to jail, but someday he is going to have to answer for what he did before God. If you mix art and politics critics get upset and you have to answer for it.… … New idioms dictionary
answer for — I (act for) verb act on behalf of, appear for, be accepted for, be attorney for, be proxy for, be regarded as, be responsible for, be taken as, be the equivalent of, count for, front for, go as, pass as, pass for, represent, serve as, stand for,… … Law dictionary
answer for — verb furnish a justifying analysis or explanation I can t account for the missing money • Syn: ↑account • Derivationally related forms: ↑accountable (for: ↑account), ↑account ( … Useful english dictionary
answer for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms answer for : present tense I/you/we/they answer for he/she/it answers for present participle answering for past tense answered for past participle answered for 1) answer for something to agree to be… … English dictionary
answer for — {v.} 1. To take responsibility for; assume charge or supervision of. * /The secret service has to answer for the safety of the President and his family./ 2. To say you are sure that (someone) has good character or ability; guarantee: sponsor. *… … Dictionary of American idioms
answer for — {v.} 1. To take responsibility for; assume charge or supervision of. * /The secret service has to answer for the safety of the President and his family./ 2. To say you are sure that (someone) has good character or ability; guarantee: sponsor. *… … Dictionary of American idioms
answer for — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you have to answer for something bad or wrong you have done, you are punished for it. [V P n] He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes. Syn: pay 2) PHRASE: have inflects If you say that someone has a lot to answer for … English dictionary
answer for — verb a) To be held responsible for. The mayor has a lot to answer for. b) To guarantee I will answer for his debt, if he cant pay on the day … Wiktionary
answer for — he will answer for his crime Syn: pay for, be punished for, suffer for, make amends for … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
answer for — отвечать за что л., быть ответственным за что л. If you don t tell the truth now, you may have to answer for it later … Idioms and examples