cross\ fire

cross\ fire
1. Firing in a fight or battle from two or more places at once so that the lines of fire cross.

The soldiers on the bridge were caught in the crossfire coming from both sides of the bridge.

2. Fast or angry talking back and forth between two or more people; also, a dispute; a quarrel.

There was a cross fire of excited questions and answers between the parents and the children who had been lost in the woods.

The principal and the graduates quarreled about the football team, and the coach was caught in the cross fire and lost his job.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • cross fire — noun Etymology: cross (III) 1. a. : firing in combat from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross gaps in the barrier of artillery … filled by the cross fires of … machine guns M.H.Armor b. ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cross Fire — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Cross Fire peut désigner : Cross Fire, un film américain réalisé par Otto Brower, sorti en 1933 ; Cross Fire, une série de bande dessinée créée… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • cross fire — {n.} 1. Firing in a fight or battle from two or more places at once so that the lines of fire cross. * /The soldiers on the bridge were caught in the crossfire coming from both sides of the bridge./ 2. Fast or angry talking back and forth between …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cross fire — {n.} 1. Firing in a fight or battle from two or more places at once so that the lines of fire cross. * /The soldiers on the bridge were caught in the crossfire coming from both sides of the bridge./ 2. Fast or angry talking back and forth between …   Dictionary of American idioms

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