cool\ down

cool\ down
• cool down
• cool off
To lose or cause to lose the heat of any deep feeling (as love, enthusiasm, or anger); make or become calm, cooled or indifferent; lose interest.

A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first.

John was deeply in love with Sally before he left for college, but he cooled off before he got back.

Their friendship cooled off when Jack gave up football.

The neighbor's complaint about the noise cooled the argument down.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • cool down — or[cool off] {v.} To lose or cause to lose the heat of any deep feeling (as love, enthusiasm, or anger); make or become calm, cooled or indifferent; lose interest. * /A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first./ * /John …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cool down — or[cool off] {v.} To lose or cause to lose the heat of any deep feeling (as love, enthusiasm, or anger); make or become calm, cooled or indifferent; lose interest. * /A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first./ * /John …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Cool-down — [ku:l daʊn], das; s, s [zu engl. to cool down, eigtl. = [sich] abkühlen] (Sport): Gesamtheit von Übungen am Ende einer Trainingseinheit, die der Entspannung der Muskulatur u. der Abkühlung dienen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Cool-down — auch: Cool|down 〈[ku:ldaʊn] n.; Gen.: od. s; Pl.: unz.; Sport〉 Regenerationsphase bzw. programm zur Abkühlung u. Lockerung der beanspruchten Muskelpartien nach langer, intensiver sportlicher Betätigung [Etym.: engl., »Abkühlen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • cool-down — [ko͞ol′doun΄] n. the act or an instance of gradually slowing or cooling down after vigorous exercise * * * …   Universalium

  • cool-down — [ko͞ol′doun΄] n. the act or an instance of gradually slowing or cooling down after vigorous exercise …   English World dictionary

  • Cool-down — [ku:l daʊn], das; s, s <englisch> (Sport Entspannungsübung[en] am Ende eines Trainings) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • Cool Down — Unter Cool Down (engl.: Abkühlung, herunterkühlen) versteht man im Sport das Ende einer Trainingseinheit, bei der der Kreislauf wieder heruntergefahren werden soll. Cool down ist das Gegenstück zum „Warm Up“  dem Aufwärmen.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cool down — phrasal verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms cool down : present tense I/you/we/they cool down he/she/it cools down present participle cooling down past tense cooled down past participle cooled down 1) same as cool II, 1) We had to wait… …   English dictionary

  • cool down — 1) see cool 5) 2) PHR V ERG If someone cools down or if you cool them down, they become less angry than they were. [V P] He has had time to cool down and look at what happened more objectively... [V P n (not pron)] First McNeil had to cool down… …   English dictionary

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