consumer items — noun plural see consumer goods … Useful english dictionary
consumer\ goods — • consumer goods • consumer items noun Food and manufactured things that people buy for their own use. In time of war, the supply of consumer goods is greatly reduced … Словарь американских идиом
Consumer goods in the Soviet Union — Soviet Union This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the Soviet Union … Wikipedia
Consumer debt — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
consumer goods — or[consumer items] {n.} Food and manufactured things that people buy for their own use. * /In time of war, the supply of consumer goods is greatly reduced./ … Dictionary of American idioms
consumer goods — or[consumer items] {n.} Food and manufactured things that people buy for their own use. * /In time of war, the supply of consumer goods is greatly reduced./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Consumer Price Index — CPI 1) In the UK, the usual name for the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), a measure of price level introduced in 1997 to enable comparisons within the EU. In 2003 the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced that government inflation… … Accounting dictionary
Consumer Price Index — CPI 1) In the UK, the usual name for the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), a measure of price level introduced in 1997 to enable comparisons within the EU. In 2003 the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced that government inflation… … Big dictionary of business and management
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act — Consumer Safety Act Full title Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Acronym CPSIA Colloquial name(s) Consumer Act Enacted by the 110th United States Congress Effective … Wikipedia
Consumer spending — or consumer demand or consumption is also known as personal consumption expenditure. It is the largest part of aggregate demand or effective demand at the macroeconomic level. There are two variants of consumption in the aggregate demand model,… … Wikipedia