common\ ground

common\ ground
Shared beliefs, interests, or ways of understanding; ways in which people are alike.

Bob and Frank don't like each other because they have no common ground.

The only common ground between us is that we went to the same school.

Compare: in common

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • Common Ground — may refer to: Common ground (communication technique) Grounding in communication (theory) The commons, publicly owned areas, especially those for meeting Common land, ground where the public have traditional rights, such as grazing Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Common Ground — und Grounding ist eine Annahme, die einigen Diskursmodellen der Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationstheorie unterliegt und die im Wesentlichen von Herbert H. Clark und Edward F. Schaefer (1989) geprägt wurde. Es ist die Annahme über einen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • common ground — noun uncount something that people can agree about, especially when they disagree about other things …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • common ground — ► NOUN ▪ views shared by each of two or more parties …   English terms dictionary

  • common ground — noun a basis agreed to by all parties for reaching a mutual understanding • Hypernyms: ↑footing, ↑basis, ↑ground * * * noun : a basis of mutual interest or understanding in human relations she had no common ground with her iron spirited… …   Useful english dictionary

  • common ground — noun VERB + COMMON GROUND ▪ have, share ▪ The people on the course all share a lot of common ground. ▪ establish, find ▪ find yourself on …   Collocations dictionary

  • common ground — {n.} Shared beliefs, interests, or ways of understanding; ways in which people are alike. * /Bob and Frank don t like each other because they have no common ground./ * /The only common ground between us is that we went to the same school./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • common ground — {n.} Shared beliefs, interests, or ways of understanding; ways in which people are alike. * /Bob and Frank don t like each other because they have no common ground./ * /The only common ground between us is that we went to the same school./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • common ground — noun A characteristic or interest shared by multiple people or systems. The first thing to do is to find common ground with the person you just met …   Wiktionary

  • common ground —    This expression refers to an area of shared beliefs, interests or mutual understanding between people or groups who often have disagreements.     Any common ground among the Meditarranean countries will contribute to future unity …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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