cold\ turkey

cold\ turkey
adv slang informal
1. Abruptly and without medical aid to withdraw from the use of an addictive drug or from a serious drinking problem.

Joe is a very brave guy; he kicked the habit cold turkey.

2. noun
An instance of withdrawal from drugs, alcohol, or cigarette smoking.

Joe did a cold turkey.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • cold turkey — {adv.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Abruptly and without medical aid to withdraw from the use of an addictive drug or from a serious drinking problem. * /Joe is a very brave guy; he kicked the habit cold turkey./ 2. {n.} An instance of withdrawal from …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cold turkey — {adv.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Abruptly and without medical aid to withdraw from the use of an addictive drug or from a serious drinking problem. * /Joe is a very brave guy; he kicked the habit cold turkey./ 2. {n.} An instance of withdrawal from …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • cold turkey — without preparation, 1910; narrower sense of withdrawal from an addictive substance (originally heroin) first recorded 1921. Cold turkey is a food that requires little preparation, so to quit like cold turkey is to do so suddenly and without… …   Etymology dictionary

  • cold turkey — cold turkey1 noun uncount INFORMAL the pains that someone feels when they stop taking drugs that they are ADDICTED to cold turkey ,cold turkey 2 adverb INFORMAL if you stop doing something such as smoking or taking drugs cold turkey, you stop it… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cold turkey — ☆ cold turkey n. [< ?] Slang 1. by abruptly and totally withdrawing from an addiction to drugs, tobacco, etc. 2. in a frank, blunt, or matter of fact way [to talk cold turkey about our chances] 3. without preparation or preliminaries cold… …   English World dictionary

  • Cold Turkey — ist: ein plötzlicher Entzug von Drogen, siehe Entzugssyndrom ein Stück von John Lennon aus dem Jahr 1969, siehe Cold Turkey (Lied) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezei …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cold turkey — n [U] an unpleasant physical condition suffered by people who stop taking a drug that they are ↑addicted to ▪ addicts who are made to go cold turkey …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cold-turkey — the unpleasant physical and mental effects someone suffers when they suddenly stop taking drugs. Cold turkey treatment of addicts will always produce withdrawal symptoms. (always before noun) …   New idioms dictionary

  • cold turkey — If someone suddenly stops taking drugs, instead of slowly cutting down, they do cold turkey …   The small dictionary of idiomes

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