chew the scenery informal, — chew the scenery informal, chiefly US (of an actor) overact. → scenery … English new terms dictionary
chew the scenery — phrasal : to act a stage or screen part with undue or inappropriate violence : overact * * * chew (up) the scenery (of an actor) overact he chews up the courtroom scenery as the unscrupulous attorney … Useful english dictionary
chew the scenery — verb To display excessive emotion or to act in an exaggerated manner while performing; to be melodramatic; to be flamboyant. Starring as a Great White Hope police commissioner sent to clean up Washington, D.C., Nelson displays a set of pipes… … Wiktionary
chew the scenery — {v. phr.}, {slang} To act overemotionally in a situation where it is inappropriate; to engage in histrionics. * /I don t know if Joe was sincere about our house, but he sure chewed up the scenery!/ … Dictionary of American idioms
chew the scenery — {v. phr.}, {slang} To act overemotionally in a situation where it is inappropriate; to engage in histrionics. * /I don t know if Joe was sincere about our house, but he sure chewed up the scenery!/ … Dictionary of American idioms
chew the scenery — idi to overact … From formal English to slang
chew — [cho͞o] vt. [ME chewen < OE ceowan, to bite, chew < IE base * gjeu , to chew > Pers ǰavidan, Ger kauen] 1. to bite and grind or crush with the teeth; masticate ☆ 2. Slang to rebuke severely; reprimand: usually with out vi. 1. to chew… … English World dictionary
chew — [[t]tʃu[/t]] v. t. 1) to crush or grind with the teeth; masticate 2) to tear or mangle, as if by chewing (often fol. by up): The sorting machine chewed up the letters[/ex] 3) to make by or as if by chewing: The puppy chewed a hole in the rug[/ex] … From formal English to slang
scenery — noun 1》 the natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance, especially when picturesque. 2》 the painted background used to represent the fictional surroundings on a stage or film set. Phrases chew the scenery informal,… … English new terms dictionary
scenery — /see neuh ree/, n., pl. sceneries. 1. the general appearance of a place; the aggregate of features that give character to a landscape. 2. hangings, draperies, structures, etc., used on a stage to represent a locale or furnish decorative… … Universalium