cart\ before\ the\ horse\ to\ put

cart\ before\ the\ horse\ to\ put
n. phr. informal
things in wrong order; something backwards or mixed up. - An overused expression. Usually used with "put" but sometimes with "get" or "have".

When the salesman wanted money for goods he hadn't delivered, I told him he was putting the cart before the horse.

To get married first and then get a job is getting the cart before the horse.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • cart before the horse (to put) — {n. phr.}, {informal} Things in wrong order; something backwards or mixed up. An overused expression. Usually used with put but sometimes with get or have . * /When the salesman wanted money for goods he hadn t delivered, I told him he was… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cart before the horse (to put) — {n. phr.}, {informal} Things in wrong order; something backwards or mixed up. An overused expression. Usually used with put but sometimes with get or have . * /When the salesman wanted money for goods he hadn t delivered, I told him he was… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put the cart before the horse — To reverse the natural or sensible order of things • • • Main Entry: ↑cart put the cart before the horse see under ↑cart • • • Main Entry: ↑horse * * * put the cart before the horse phrase to do one thing before another thing that you should have …   Useful english dictionary

  • put the cart before the horse — See: CART BEFORE THE HORSE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put the cart before the horse — See: CART BEFORE THE HORSE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put the cart before the horse — (put) the cart before the horse to do something that should happen later before other things. Barnhart is putting the cart before the horse by building a stadium before a team has agreed to play there …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) cart before the horse — (put) the cart before the horse to do something that should happen later before other things. Barnhart is putting the cart before the horse by building a stadium before a team has agreed to play there …   New idioms dictionary

  • put the cart before the horse — ► put the cart before the horse reverse the proper order or procedure. Main Entry: ↑cart …   English terms dictionary

  • put the cart before the horse —    A person who puts the cart before the horse is doing things in the wrong order.     Building a school before knowing the age of the population is putting the cart before the horse …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • put the cart before the horse — verb To put things in the wrong order or with the wrong priorities; to put something inconsequential as more important than something more essential. The hour had struck; and with it, as always, appeared the man. So it has ever been in the… …   Wiktionary

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