canned\ music

canned\ music
Recorded music, as opposed to music played live.

"Let us go to a real concert, honey," Mike said. "I am tired of all this canned music we've been listening to."

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • canned music — {n.} Recorded music, as opposed to music played live. * / Let us go to a real concert, honey, Mike said. I am tired of all this canned music we ve been listening to. / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • canned music — {n.} Recorded music, as opposed to music played live. * / Let us go to a real concert, honey, Mike said. I am tired of all this canned music we ve been listening to. / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • canned — [kænd] adj 1.) canned food is preserved in a round metal container British Equivalent: tinned ▪ canned tomatoes ▪ canned fruit 2.) canned music/laughter music or laughter that has been recorded and is used on television or in radio programmes …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Music — For other uses, see Music (disambiguation). Music …   Wikipedia

  • Canned — The term canned may refer to:* Canned is an episode of Rocko s Modern Life * The canning of food (invented by Francesco Cirio) * Withdrawing/removing something, or putting it on hold (as in The idea to move office has been canned as it s way too… …   Wikipedia

  • music — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Organized sound Nouns 1. music; classical, semiclassical, or popular music, rock [& roll] music, country [and western] music, world music; acid, punk, hard metal, hard, or soft rock; soul [music], blues; …   English dictionary for students

  • canned — adjective 1 canned food is preserved in a round metal container; tinned BrE: canned tomatoes 2 canned music/laughter etc music, laughter etc that has been recorded and is used on television or in radio programmes 3 (never before noun) slang drunk …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • canned — [[t]kænd[/t]] adj. 1) coo preserved in a can or jar: canned peaches[/ex] 2) inf recorded or prerecorded: canned music; canned laughter[/ex] 3) inf prepared in advance for repeated use: a canned speech[/ex] 4) sts Slang. drunk • Etymology: 1855–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • canned — adjective Date: 1904 1. a. prepared or recorded in advance; especially prepared in standardized form for nonspecific use or wide distribution < canned laughter > < canned music > b. lacking originality or individ …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • canned — /kand/, adj. 1. preserved in a can or jar: canned peaches. 2. Informal. recorded: canned music. 3. Informal. prepared in advance: a canned speech. 4. Slang. drunk. [1855 60; CAN2 + ED2] * * * …   Universalium

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