but\ not\ least

but\ not\ least
See: last but not least

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • but not least — See: LAST BUT NOT LEAST …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • but not least — See: LAST BUT NOT LEAST …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last but not least — adverb in addition to all the foregoing last not least he plays the saxophone • Syn: ↑last not least * * * last but not least Finally but not less importantly • • • Main Entry: ↑last * * * last but not least phrase used when you me …   Useful english dictionary

  • last but not least — {adv. phr.} In the last place but not the least important. * /Billy will bring sandwiches, Alice will bring cake, Susan will bring cookies, John will bring potato chips, and last but not least, Sally will bring the lemonade./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last but not least — {adv. phr.} In the last place but not the least important. * /Billy will bring sandwiches, Alice will bring cake, Susan will bring cookies, John will bring potato chips, and last but not least, Sally will bring the lemonade./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Last, but not least —    англ. последний по счету, но не по важности:    ஐ Я рассудил, что не должен сразу же направляться как первоначально намеревался в отель: следовало получить информацию обо всех произошедших в мое отсутствие изменениях культуры, нравственности и …   Мир Лема - словарь и путеводитель

  • last, (but) not least — 〈[la:st (bʌt) nɔt li:st]〉 der Letzte, (aber) nicht der Geringste, an letzter Stelle genannt, aber deshalb nicht weniger wichtig ● meine Mutter, meine Geschwister und, last, (but) not least, mein Vater waren der Meinung, dass ...; wir müssen noch… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • last, but not least — last, (but) not least 〈[la:st (bʌt) not li:st]〉 an letzter Stelle genannt, aber nicht am geringsten dem Werte nach; meine Schwester, meine Freundin sowie last, but not least meine Eltern [Etym.: engl., »das Letzte, (jedoch) nicht das Geringste«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • last\ but\ not\ least — adv. phr. In the last place but not the least important. Billy will bring sandwiches, Alice will bring cake, Susan will bring cookies, John will bring potato chips, and last but not least, Sally will bring the lemonade. •• introducing the next… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • last but not least — in the last place but not the least important (introducing the next item on the list, which, although the last, is not less important than the others) Last but not least he came up to the front of the class to receive his report card …   Idioms and examples

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